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A real airy one. Not much to write home about and I soon settled back in waiting for Mark to text back. He was a bit slow tonight, so I decided to try again with my cabbie. I opened my mouth ready to ask him if he had a nice day yesterday when the smell hit me. Oof, that was silent but very very deadly. I decided to keep my mouth shut.ThrubblaaaaartThat one took me by surprise and it rattled off the leatherette of the seat. I shifted about, but that wasn't exactly my best idea; it just made the. She looked at me and smiled, and leaned over and gave me a decidedly non-plutonic kiss. I was too stunned to move, let along kiss back.?"Babe, what's wrong? She asked, looking very hurt and alarmed. Whathappened next was a frenzy of crying, blabbering, anxiety attacks andbeing forced fed some Xanax. I eventually calmed down, looked in themirror, and was pretty much shocked and amazed to see what I'd become. Iwas my own age, had my own color eyes and own color hair (with the samestreaks of. I don’t think I could have done it myself. You mentioned Halloween. Why?’ she asked, turning the focus back to the past. * * * Bradford and Gashune had done very well that year, landing three new major accounts. The president, however, was totally against Christmas parties, so we had a Halloween party instead. Of course, it had to be a costume party. One of the Batman movies had come out that year, I don’t remember which one, so the people in charge of planning made it a superhero theme for the. "Go home and fuck your wife for the last time. Tomorrow I'm going to come over and fuck her and she will be all mine." So I did. I fucked her hard and came at least three times. Each time I licked up all my cum and kissed her with it. She said, "I can't wait to taste his cum. Did it taste good?" I replied, "better than mine." Sunday morning I arranged for him to come over early so that he could wake her. She did not know. So I quietly got out of bed and opened the door for him. He undressed in.
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