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" And they did.After that, Ron and Harry would sometimes reassure one another that they were not poofs, because they did both fantasize about girls on a regular basis, and neither of them could even think of doing what they sometimes did together with any other bloke without feeling literally as if they would retch, but neither was making a sincere effort to find himself a girlfriend, either. Each was content with what they did together, sometimes just watching, sometimes helping, both. But that wasn't all, my hair seemed longer and fuller. Iusually wore it a little longer than most, slicked back and stylish. Nowit was almost to the middle of my neck. My facial features also seemedsofter. Not to mention that my face was completely bare. I usually had afairly thick beard and I always had serious stubble in the morning.Today it was as smooth as if I had just shaved...smoother actually. I stepped back from the mirror in shock. That's when I noticed that thechanges weren't limited. My screams were muffled as I was laid on a bed of thin blankets. There was one light above me, almost directly. Behind me, a brick wall. In front of me, four men. We were in between two windowless bank buildings now. I was helpless. The men circled me, smiling widely, staring at my body. I had just got off work. I was a dancer at a local show restaurant. I was wearing a jacket, a corset, tights, and high heels. I realized then that my neighbor must have been watching me for awhile; getting to. This was much more dangerous, and it was born ofintent. She could not figure it out either. The second part of why shewas frightened was that the feminization would have no effect. He wastranssexual, and wanted it. He had almost manipulated and forced hishusband into making him transition. The Duke capitulating on that was agrave error in her opinion. It was giving Thomas exactly what he wanted.The third and far more serious matter was that Thomas was not who heappeared to be at all. He was.
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