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It was around 10:15 pm. The room was all silent before the storm. There were no traffic sounds from outside as well. The only sounds we could hear were from our heavy breathing. I could also hear the gulps of Geetika. She was trying to swallow her saliva.I start by getting close to her face. I could see Geetika’s lips were starting to get dry. Probably because of all the heat inside her body. I tease her by rubbing my lower lip on her lower lip and not kissing yet. She was becoming desperate,. I too smiled and both started in an auto to my room. In auto our bodies are very close to each other and I got emotion. I placed my hand upon his shoulder and get him to nearer to me and I kissed him on his cheek. I had taken his hand into my hand and go on pressing the fingers. We reached our room and while entering my room I asked him if it is necessary inform to your family so that they won’t feel anything. He contacted his family and told them as if he met with his old friend and both of. I told The Boss, I'd talk to his dad, and give him the info.The Baboso, nodded, and made his way from the courtroom, and back to the prison bus.Part 6: Hit the meat grinder runnin'.I found out from the boss's father, who was dealing the Vietnamese Dust to Mrs. Polton; Harry Singato. A half black, half italian, bar owner, and 3rd in charge of the BB. He sold dust out his bar, and made tons of cash for Don and Cody Broady.I pulled up to Harry's house around 11:45 pm. Slicky Ricky, accompanied me,. I feel I could share anything with you. Why have you never had a boyfriend? " Danni asked. "I could ask the same of you," I replied quickly. Maybe it was the wine. Maybe it was so soon after my "tests". Maybe it felt right to say. Truth be told it was probably all those reasons combined. "I don't like guys," I blurted. "I know," said Danni smiling at me again. I was gob smacked. How did she know? If she knew, how long had she known? Why had she asked? Did she care? What about her? My mind raced.
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