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Dont fool people. There should be a proper planning to abuse any women to have a passionate fuck. Well this is a truestory in which u will find how to plan & fuck.All this happened when it was durga puja here, all my freinds who were staying abroad came to patna back in their holidays. I organized a small party at hotel chanakya at 7 all of them came a freind of mine name nikhil came with his sister named chinkoo she was tall about my height lovely hair up to her shoulders breasts medium sized. Nora gasped as Joe’s right hand went to work on her pussy. He knew exactly how to rub her and his strong right hand was furiously manipulating her now swollen clit. She tried to mumble something, but just kept moaning louder. Her juices were flowing now and dripping down the inside of her thighs. She was moaning and squealing loudly and lost all ability to fight Joe off. He again kissed her and she didn’t pull away this time. Nora sucked his tongue as Joe continued to knead and massage her. I saw her eyes go wide as she recognized me and that told me she wasn’t as out of it as I’d thought. Her mouth opened, not to accept my cock, but more likely to tell me to get away from her. She didn’t get the chance. I shoved my cock into the open hole, grabbed her head and said:“You can do this the easy way or the hard way. The hard way is that I hold your head and fuck your face. The easy way is you give me what you’ve given everyone else here. Blink your eyes bitch. One for hard, two for. I would not move. Tracy would sway her hips side to side, no thrusting, allowing just the head of my shaft to work its way into her anus over many minutes. Eventually the sway would slow and her hips would push back with the same gentle movements. My length would take perhaps a minute or two to disappear into her. We would hold this position for quite some time, neither of us moving, my penis throbbing deep inside her anus. I suspect this was painful to start. I also suspect pain receded.
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