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“How were your holidays?” Carla asked,“Low keyed, yet very satisfying,” Dan smiled.“Tina Hamilton, my very close friend, is pretty much our constant lover. I didn’t expect our king-sized bed to become so crowded,” Wendy joked.“Someone seems happy from the smile I see on your face,” she said to Wendy.“We just came from Janet’s office where she did a procedure that implanted my egg mixed with Dan’s sperm in one fallopian tube and Karen’s egg with Dan’s sperm into my other tube. Now comes the. “I’ll be gentle enough.” Hank said and then he winked at her. He slid his cock in her tight little pussy a little more and she jumped back. He grabbed the tops of her thighs to hold her in place as he buried his monster cock into her little pussy. She screamed in pain but Hank kept fucking. She had tears running down her face but she never told him to stop. Hank knew she couldn’t take too much more but he felt his orgasm rising so he kept going. Amber was still being fucked while watching her. Her fingers deftly searched the manacles for a weakness, as her mind searched people for a weakness that she could exploit.The raven-haired woman also had a sheen of perspiration over her body, the musky scent of battle and the exhilaration of release. She walked down the line of prisoners, a shorter golden-haired woman by her side."I'm glad you spared Calisto," said the blond companion."It was the right thing to do," replied Xena, as they passed the end of the line of captives, ignoring the. Heck, my own mom taught me that men shouldn’t bring girls flowers, should never push for sex, and should always put their needs first. We’re treated like second-class citizens. Where is the equality in any of that?” he asked.“So, men have given up?” Ashley asked.“As a man, I have to ask myself, what’s in it for me?”“You don’t want to get married and have kids?” Scarlet asked.“All I have to do is look at David and see how much work it is. The other side of all this is that women are willing to.
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