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“Could I ask a question?” Tomiko couldn’t look her in the face.“Sure. Fire away.”“This is a very private thing for me. My dog is very special but I can’t really have a dog paw just anywhere because of work so could I ask that you place it in a private location?”“Once we are in the booth, I can close the curtains so we will be alone while I ink it. Is that your concern?” Brenda closed the door behind her before drawing the curtains closed.‘Oh…yeah..err. that’s what I meant.” Tomiko's face became. I look into her green eyes and she is smirking at me, her devilish eyes peering through her glasses. We end up losing and sit around the fire. At this point she is really following me around and doing things like getting me drinks and bending over in front of me but what really is getting me is the tit play. "do you want a cigarette?" she would ask wtih it in between her tits "see if you can get it wtih your mouth" By this time my cock was rock hard and unable to hide. She reaches between my. I had also observed through several church functions and social gatherings that almost all of the men in the congregation took the opportunity to look at Cherry's body whenever they could, some more subtle than others but at the end of the day, men are men and who can resist a hot young blonde girl with killer looks that they had watched blossom. I noticed early on that Cherry was aware of the attention she got from guys and actually seemed to enjoy it. She made no attempts to hold her shirt. Then she jumped up on my bed and giggled. I decided to give her exactly what she needed and that was for me to boost her feminine self-esteem. I complimented her beauty, her body, and her tiny breasts. I kissed her lips and all the way down her body to her pussy. I parted her legs and drove my tongue into her. She grabbed my head and cooed as I ate her pussy giving her an orgasm. She said that I had been rougher than Tammy had been but that it was much better.Then I crawled up her body,.
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