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"Thanks." She said. "I feel like shit." "Welcome to your first hangover." I grinned. "I told you to be careful." If looks could kill, well, you know. Patty felt much better after breakfast, so we packed up and took off. We parked the car at the trailhead and set off. We'd planned an 8 mile route, out and back, 16 miles in total. It would take all day. Surprisingly, we seemed to have the place to ourselves. We barely saw any other hikers. The woods were amazing, except for the trail, it was easy. Of course, it didn’t seem to him like Greg was making much progress in talking with his daughter. Until he did figure out what to do, he’d take Greg’s advice and just listen to them.A tired Lisa sat in her bedroom thinking about the previous evening. She hadn’t gotten much sleep. Most of the night had been spent thinking about the bulge she had felt in Harry’s crotch. If she had needed any proof that he desired her as a woman, then that proof had been amply given. She knew that Harry wanted her. My screams attracted other people walking down down the path and soon there were five other men and two other women gathered in the clearing to watch my beating. The men took their cocks out and wanked gently as the beating continued, my body was covered in raised red welts from my neck to my knees after over thirty minutes of severe thrashing. Then they forced me to my knees and I was made to suck all seven men until they spunked down my throat as the four women watched, two of them lifted up. The archive room was drafty and cold. As soon as she stepped inside,she felt a chilly draft on her bare legs. She couldn't help but shiver.The red-headed woman behind the main desk chuckled. "Yeah, it's alwayscold down here, Jes, even in the summer. It's good for the computers.What can I help you with Jessica?" I, um, need anything I can find on accidental murder." Oh yeah, that big case. Well, come on back."As she led her into the rear to a computer terminal, Jessica couldn'thelp but think how.
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