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Momma's got you." She said softly."But you're up there." Adam said as he watched the original figure of his mom descend towards him like Venus. "Yes, I am." She smiled."But I'm also here holding you." The voice at his ear whispered.As he slowly fell another figure of his mother rose up between his legs. She looked exactly like the other two. Her hands were on her hips, supporting the weight of those big drooping bra-busters."I'm right here too...waiting for my baby." She smiled."How many of. I was upstairs with my bestfriend Daniel; we were playing Extreme Video on Nintendo and my Uncle Jack was downstairs to make sure we didn't get into trouble. Daniel had flipped the computer to a porno site, waving thru a bunch of them actually and mostly we found young girls in school uniforms, looking like they could be are age, sucking on big cocks that were useually there teachers. We watched intensely as the big cocks filled the computer screens and the cute, often Japanes girlsd with. Sarahhh: Ticklish huh? Well maybe one day you'll be able to find out. And maybe I'll find out if chocolate colored cock really tastes like chocolate or if everyone is lying to me. Whaddaya think?Blackstallion21: Chocolate Cock? GNR! That's hilarious! I guess there's only one way to find out! Now isn't there?Sarahhh: yep. Oh ... um, what's GNR stand for?Blackstallion21: Gotta N*&&a Rollin! The "hood" way of saying LOL.Sarahhh: That's funny. Well, I'm gonna get to bed. My boyfriend just lost out. By now I was randy and I slipped my hand into my panties and began to masturbate. After a while the girl unrolled a condom on to the erect penis and she then stood up and the guy entered her and began to ride her slowly. Soon I was coming and was wishing the this gut was having sex with me. After about 10 minute the guy shot his load and he removed his cock from the girl's pussy. I could see the limp cock with the used condom which now had a lot of spunk in it. The girl removed the condom and.
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