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10 mins into the discussion, she again brought the topic back to her personal life and she was heaving heavily this time. So I joked for a while on some neutral matter and she laughed a lot and laughed again and again like crazy!So, I took her hands in my hands and started massaging them, looking deep into her eyes, she was very shy and looked down at the floor blushingly. As we were sitting close by on chairs in a small conference room, it was noise-proof and also nobody could see us unless. I groaned and felt a squirt of more pre-come coat the head of my cock. Itflew from my cock head onto my legs and stomach. The thrill of begincaught at any moment began to take it's toll, I had been edging up to amassive orgasm for about fifteen minutes now. My balls drew up and I feltthe familiar tingle that ment I was about to shoot my jizz oll over thebench, me and the ground. I lifted a foot onto the bench as I shot myfirst blast of jizz out and up. It landed with a slap on the bench infront. The children will hear." "Oh yes we can," I said feeling like a speeding train and nothing was going to stop me. Gently, hesitantly, I kissed Sharon again, her soft lips press against mine, smooth, warm, alive. I squeezed her breast, making her moan “Uum.” We kissed again and again. Sharon’s arms tightened around my neck as I held her tight in my embrace, my arms slowly caressing her back. "Please stop," Sharon murmured but there was no conviction in her voice. I moved my hand up under Sharon. While she was in the bathroom I asked if the girls tiny body could stand this much. Jodie said that this was just what the girl loved. When she returned she was cuffed and hoisted until her toes barely touched the floor. The tears had stopped and JOdie walked up to the girl and roughly shoved 3 fingers in the girls pussy. "look at the juices on her, this whore is having the time of her life" Pinching he nipples she said " time for some tit torture, but its hard to torture something you can't.
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