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”He climbed back in his car, and she did the same. As instructed, she pulled in next to him, and shut off her car. He quickly exited his vehicle, and walked in front of hers, waving for her to follow. Cheryl hesitated for a moment, feeling that things were spiraling out of control, but swallowed hard and got out of her car.The young man unlocked his door, and waved for her to follow him inside. She said, “Why do we need to go inside? I can-”He cut her off with a raised hand. “Look, lady. It’s. Don Jacinto (my husband) has had hotwife fetishes for a long time now, it was one of the things that I loved about him when we met. Anyway, this takes place years before we had met each other, when he was dating a girl named Nicolett. Nicolett was very inexperienced sexually, only having been with 4 guys prior… and Don Jacinto loved the idea of raising those numbers. He had talked to her about how much it would turn him on for her to fuck other guys, but she was very reluctant and told. ." I said," he interrupted, "that sometimes your submissive side might be a little conflicted. I fully expect you to serve me as my slave. After the way she treated you, I suspect that Lea feels the same way. Besides, it's not like Ally is going to know you're a High Priestess. I mean, after all, how do you tell someone something like that? 'Oh gee, did I mention that I'm the High Priestess of a sex Goddess?' Hell, look how much trouble I had telling you what was going on, and I didn't even. "Mum laughed, gripping her pussy hard, saying, "Ooohh, Jason you big sod! I love it!" and she climaxed, loving seeing me humiliated and loving my school bully's cock invading her bum!In the morning, after the guys left, Mum came and took me downstairs, to show me the pics of their sex with her. She made me kneel naked on the carpet, and stood above me in her dressing gown, showing me each picture and made me describe each one to her.She'd say, "What is happening here?" or "Look, what's the nice.
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