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He said his wife would never think of playing, and since she does not like to suck cock that he never gets oral, and he LOVES getting his cock sucked. Through conversations in the chat room, it was obvious that I am a submissive and that I love nothing more than being on my knees in front of a man, and pleasuring him with my mouth. I am a very passionate cocksucker.The poor guy went on about how his wife was pretty and looked sexy, but not all that into sex. That was when he offered me money if. The close proximity to the sound made me almost lethargic. I heard soft footsteps padding to the door and the sound of a simple lock being undone. The door opened slowly and my breath caught in my throat. There, standing on the threshold, was the most gorgeous specimen of a man I had ever seen. He was short, only about 5’4’’ I would guess, but that didn’t hinder any of his beauty. He had auburn hair that curled around his face and reached to his small chin. His eyes were slate grey and they. It was from Luci. It simply read 'Stay there I'll meet you very soon.'Strange! I looked around and couldn't see her anywhere, so how could she know where I was?I stood and waited a couple of minutes. (I was standing in a small corner between two shops) Luci suddenly appeared round the corner. She was wearing an ankle-length coat and lovely strappy sandals. Her hair was glistening in the sunlight. Of course, we kissed lovingly. I asked her how she knew where I was? She confessed she had followed. Christie signaled me to be quiet but a soft slurping sound was theonly noise I was capable of making with Christie's lovely lollipop betweenmy lips."Who was that fucking bitch who was hanging all over Bob on the dancefloor?" one of them said angrily. "I've had my eye on him for my daughterfor a long time." Your daughter, my ass," came the rejoinder from the cubicle next to ours."You'd like to hang all over him yourself." The first lady's half-hearteddenial was interrupted by a "shoosh" from our.
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