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.Yes,” he replied uncertainly.“Do you want me to tell him I can’t go? Have you had second thoughts?”“N... No,” he said quietly. “It’s just a bit sooner than I had expected. I thought with Christmas coming...”“That there’d be a bit of a break to get used to the idea?”“Yes I suppose so.”“I could tell him we’ll have to wait until after the kids go back,” I said, hoping that wasn’t his plan.There was an even longer pause before Pete’s voice returned.“You’re sure you’re not in love with him, Penn?”. Tom also felt the beginning of an erection. What the fuck, he thought. And now he had an idea. “Tell me what he looks like,” he whispered. “What?” she replied. “Describe this hot looking guy who is distracting my wife, on my date.” Mandy looked Tom straight in the eyes. “Dark hair, dark eyes, dark suit. Oh and very, very dark skin.” Tom’s cock throbbed in his pants. He hadn’t dared to hope that when Mandy admitted to making eye contact with the man, that he would be black. “Ah, okay,” was all. You don’t know it yet, but as the first fucker enters the room, you do not receive the spanking you so desire. This guy is a nerd with a small cock, only four inches erect. He compensates with gigantic balls that swing like a range bull in heat. He also suffers from a bad case of premature ejaculation. As your first customer, he can’t take seeing your naked trembling body and, dick in hand, he loses control the moment he presses his meat against the pink slit of your vagina. He cries out. Not by me anyway. Someone has been coaching them though. I guess it had to be Mom. I still don't know how you feel about me becoming their pretend Dad." I'm fine. Believe it or not, I couldn't be happier. I think it is time that we did the kissing." We awoke in the morning with two little girls standing beside my bed. We had talked about the future half the night and had dressed in our nightclothes. This wasn't intended, but after we made love, we had laid down for a few more minutes of.
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