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It was so hot to be able to watch the two of them right in front of me that I had to join in. I started to rub Kelly’s back, and then grabbed her panties and pulled them off. I started kissing her naked ass, and worked myself down to her very wet pussy. Kelly moaned softly as I reached her slit and tasted her juices, marvelling at how they tasted different than my own, but still very similar. I was still licking Kelly’s slit from behind as I heard Steve warn Kelly he was about to cum, and then. ” “Oh !..Ah..ah..th...thank you Queen Ava” Lucinda replied, quivering under Queen Ava's fingers.Walking away, Queen Ava replied: “Too late to kiss my sweet ass now, whore !” not realizing that she had been Lucinda's first lesbian crush and that her sweet ass had often been part of Lucinda's masturbatory fantasies.Looking back at the holo-pad, Queen Ava seemed to suddenly become furious with what she saw on it. “So, according to the Lust Scanners, you both love each other...”Angrily addressing. She somehow freed herself from my grip and stood a distance away and looking straight into my eyes “What are you trying to do with me ? I acted with strange look:” Is it you Preeti?I thought it was my girlfriend “. She gave me a deep look into my eyes and went away. That night was very unbearable for me. Ohhh, I missed the opportunity, the one I was waiting for so long. Her hot boobs were still very much fresh in my palms and her kiss was making me mad for her. Few days went by and I did not. I’ll let you know about the field on Sunday as soon as I can; probably by text.”“Lastly, I suspect that you’ll be sitting a bunch on Tuesday. But I want you to drive the offense to go full bore from the start. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if we had five goals before we hit the 20-minute mark. While I don’t really want to run up the score against lesser teams, we’re now in the stretch run and I want to get our offense ticking as well as possible. I also want the back-ups getting as much game.
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