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The satellite was one of those that stayed over the same location. It promised instantaneous communication with little or no ping time.A twenty foot dish was being installed behind the 1001 Summers Lane corporate office to complete the loop. We would still use the CIA dish at Morton and the local cable at office until then.The local cable was getting unreliable and slow. Robert had done some checking on them. The cable company had far more customers in the area than their equipment and cable. When we return, there will be breakfast ready for us. The cooks will be starting on that shortly."Group Leaders, check your people and transfer to your ports when you are ready," Mark finished. Sererena and I checked with our Sisters and their fiances, and then we all transferred to our respective ports to begin work. Sererena, Saraid, Glanda, and I materialized in Charles Town to find it chilly and damp but not raining. It was certainly warmer here than it had been in Lexington, but it wasn't. I lowered myself back into the water and pushed myself over to him ‘walking’ on my hands atop the silt with my body floating up behind me, moving as seductively as I could through the water while maintaining eye contact. I could feel the roundness of my butt cresting in the water. I’m certain I was blushing as my face was hot. I distracted myself from my boldness, imagining myself as a sea serpent slithering over, operating on animal instinct, taking him in my mouth. He responded eagerly and I. Take cock in hand and purse your lips like you want to blow on it then lick it once and then blow a soft breeze across the head his cock will begin to rise and as it does slowly begin to stroke him and as you stroke him milk his big cum filled balls you may suck these if you desire he will love you for it when he is ready and so hard you could break down a door with it you let him decide whether to let you finish the sucking or to fuck you or maybe both if your lucky!Submitting to my Lacey was.
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