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I had been slamming a dummy with the bull whip, and had worked up quite a sweat. I was only wearing a pair of loose gym shorts, with sneakers on my feet—my usual workout attire. Rhonda had wandered down, as she usually did when she heard the snap of the whip against a dummy. She was off to one side, just idly watching me.For some reason, the image of my slave came to mind. I could clearly see her suspended in the frame with the bull whip seeking out her breasts. The reaction she had had that. The ends of the stick stuck out several inches either side of his head like a grotesque horse bit."Stand him up Suma please." With Sumala holding him upright I undid his shorts and let them fall to the ground. Neither of them anticipated my next more. Undoing the rope from his chain, I formed the end into a small noose, slipped it around the base of his prick and behind his balls and lightly tightened it. Tears flowed from his eyes when he realised the implications. It would be really painful. Once back, I dropped the branches off to Keryon and her helpers. I then loaded up the truck with men and we headed over to the fence and gate. Using the hoist, I raised the gate and slid the hinge pins in place. I then tied the cable in the eye on the tree and adjusted the turnbuckle to make the gate swing easily. I then pounded a couple stakes into the ground using the post hammer to keep the gate steady. I had Merthar and his men come around and I showed him how to dig a hole with the. Small white knickers under a short flared skirt and a buttoned up blouse to finish it all of with.I parked just around the corner and walked the last twenty yards to the shop. It was eleven in the morning and the shop was deserted except for my salesmen who if anything looked even more disgusting than I remembered."Hello young lady," he smarmed, and I felt a shiver of disgust run through me."Hi," I said and smiled back at him, what would he say if he knew the number of orgasm he had given me.
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