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Mildred, Tom and me were always close, we went everywhere together, we did everything as one, like Dumas’ Musketeers. When we reached puberty, it dawned on us that Mildred gradually became a lot less like us and relatively more attractive, and Tom and I turned into rivals for her affections. As you know, Mild and I became more intimate, mainly through the medium of dance.”“And you asked her to marry you?”“I did, and she accepted, sort of.”“Sort of? What does that mean?”“When we were about 13. Then I got to the next part where you accuse me of playing games with you.How could you possibly think of me like that!! I have always told you the truth and been totally open with you. It saddens me that you think like that. It is hard for me to write like you do; my life is not as exciting as yours. I try to use proper words as he wants me to but was trying to write nicely to you and not have you think I was a bad girl. I think my counselor is wonderful in his efforts to help me and make my. You were in my dreams.” “I will tell you, Cara, it’s time you for you to understand.” Gail’s voice was calm and sultry. “You see love, we are all connected in a subtle manner that is not easily identifiable. Our thoughts, our emotions, our energy, it is all cohesive.” She began to walk slowly toward Cara, and continued, “This vitality forms an imperceptible bond that breathes amidst all of us and grows stronger between certain subjects. Some call this attraction destiny.” She softly cackled. “I. ”Walker said, “It’s like pot. Old fogies just don’t get it.”Gertie agreed, “Yeah, that legalization stemmed from a grassroots movement in individual states. But only after the attitude on medical marijuana, recreational grass, shifted. And marijuana will be legal on a national basis someday. Other drugs too.”I said, “So ... culture trumps legislation. Or at least precedes it.”Gertie smiled, “Yep. Change really is in the air. If you doubt that, just look at the ferocity of the forces fighting.
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