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Somehow I got the impressionthat I had developed a more feminine, curvier shape. But I wasn't sure ifit was just my imagination. I could have been wrong, but when I stood infront of a full length mirror it really did look like my waist was smallerand my hips a bit wider. My nipples seemed to stick out a little too. Ireally was getting girlish. Inside and out."You are going to go crazy if you don't stop this." But the voice nowseemed far away, like someone outside of myself. When I tried to. "Bullshit, I ain't going nowhere," he said"Sure you are, it's a matter of where and how. You can walk out and go where you choose or you can wait for the manager to tell you to leave. Then it is trespass and that is illegal. So for that I take you to jail."You ain't big or bad enough to take me anywhere," he said."Sweetie, I been fighting rag heads for the last four years off and on, I won't even think twice would putting your ass in the hospital," I did say it with a smile."Then you got it to. The judges were outraged, but could not find anything to contradict Toms explanation especially when they asked me about the system."Where do you keep the battery," they asked, after releasing my gag."In my special tail," I said, well I couldn't say up my bum could I?, "You can see the wires when I wear it," I explained, "It runs over my thigh and spoils the line so I can't use it for competitions."M. Gauchmont, chief steward was not pleased, I thought he was going to hit me but after a few. It was tight enough to show clearly that she had no panties. It was cut low enough to show off her beautiful titties, pushed up and together by a new purchase from Victoria's Secret. The bottom was cut just below her ass, enough that the tops of her stockings showed. Black fishnet stockings and four inch heels. Nobody wore those anymore and he hoped it made her feel every inch the cheap whore she looked. He gave her fifteen minutes to get the key from the manager, pay him for the room (he.
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