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I quickly removed my clothes and knelt before her. As I moved my face closer to the triangle between her thighs I looked up. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing hard. her tongue had escaped her mouth and was licking across her lips in anticipation of feeling my mouth and tongue on her pussy. I placed my hands on her thick upper thighs and held them apart. I reached out and kissed the folds of her cunt and felt the moisture come. As I kissed her most delicate areas, the moisture. 'I felt an almost imperceptible pressure force me forwards towards the exit.'No sense hanging around here, we may as well get going.'It suddenly occurred to me that if my brother had made Tracey go to an old boyfriend then he was changing her opinion of me. It was almost as if he was turning her on and off like a tap, like he did on Saturday night in that incident with her brother Ian and his friend Wayne. I could only assume that the girl who had been so pleased to see me before, so willing to. She didn’t even relieve herself in the shower like she normally does. It’s almost like she hasn’t thought about peeing because her mind has been so wrapped up in all the deliciousness of this morning. She uncrosses her legs and head back down the hallway to where she remembers seeing the doors for the restrooms.She steps into the restroom and head straight for one of the stalls. She quickly relieves herself and as she steps out, it takes a moment for her to process the sight of the brunette. Celia was really getting into it and moved her hands down, while her pants were still on, she outlined her pussy with her hands, her eyes closed and people started softly cheering and encouraging her to continue.Suddenly a growing wet spot showed in front of her pants and Celia opened her eyes in awe, hand in front of her mouth and kind of apologetic about losing control of her bladder a bit. She stopped the flow right away, but the wet spot was clearly visible.Bipasha smiled at her and.
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