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"No worries, dear!" Aunt Agnes waved as Taylor's parents started topull away.Aunt Agnes walked Taylor into the house and started to give him a shorttour."I know this isn't your first time here, but I figured I should let youknow of the amenities. You can have your pick of any bedroom you'dlike, but the first on the left upstairs has a TV in it, and enoughspace for all your video games," as she pointed up a large staircase."If there's anything you want specifically to eat, let me know and. . he looked down at his suddenly slimmer stomach ... was he losing weight?I should get rid of that flour, he thought. There's something evil about it.He jumped off the sink and pushed past Julie, who was leering at him in the doorway, and he went straight to the shelf with the black bag on it. He hoisted it onto his shoulder and brought it back to the bathroom."What are you doing?" Julie said, blocking the door with her voluptuous body."I'm going to flush this crap down the toilet. I don't know. Steel still isn’t convinced. She even threatened to send me to some summer camp next year if she doesn’t see any improvement.Fuck no, Mrs. Steel sounds like a meddlesome bitch.Me: That’s tough. I’m certain your grades will go up next year. I’ll help you with your homework if you’d like.Rachel: I’d like that very much!Me: We’ll show Mrs. Steel that you’re an independent girl who doesn’t need school camps or meddling counselors.Rachel: You betcha!We finish our breakfast and go our separate ways.. Your screams are muffled and you are trying to wiggle away but its no use. He is just stronger and more powerful than you. He brings his knee up and puts it on your neck, he takes his hand and pulls your shirt up. Ripping your underwear off you are now exposed, he pulls your hair back and lifts your head. Exposing your mouth he shoves your underwear into it to shut you up. You try pushing the panties out with your tounge, but all you succede in doing is tasting how wet your cunt is. He takes a.
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