Basketball Homemade Threesome mp4

I looked down and smiled. If you could perfectly combine cute and sexy into one package, Katy would be the result. Her light freckled skin, almost-blonde straight brown hair, tiny button nose, long eyelashes, and sparkling blue-green eyes matched her personality. Perky, lovable, and so sweet.Plus, she was drop-dead sexy. She had a rocking little toned body that she kept tight despite having gone through three pregnancies. She tanned frequently, which made those freckles on her arms and chest. He groaned as she clenched her pussy tightly, gripping his dick inside her and keeping it tight while he pulled out and slammed back into her. She rolled her hips back and forth, meeting him thrust for thrust. He pulled out again and she used her thighs to lift herself all the way off him and forced him to take a step back. She dropped lightly to her feet and guided him down so that he was lying on his back. She straddled his lap with her back to him, stretching herself wide, and lowered her. .. Here is where my new collection started. Before we parted to other colleges (this one was a junior college) I did took one white dirty cotton thong, and from the other a satin black thong. I was a happy camper. The following year I had ventured to go to stores and look around. At first it took some courage, Walmart and Kmart at first was easy. As a college student I did not have too much budget to go and get pretty things, or the things I wanted. I was slim and tall, today I am just a little. Being a bachelor I had a lot of desire for sex. I am average built, shy guy around 5 feet 9 inches with a manhood of 6 inches long and 1.5 inch wide. I used to stay in the apartment allotted by my employee. As I was alone I used to stay with one of my colleague who had his own apartment.We were 5 friends who would dine in his house. That friend of mine was married but was living separately from his wife due to his official commitments for many years. They used to call some girls to his house on.
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Basketball Homemade Threesome

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