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I got on the bed and he prceeded to kiss me down my body then i felt his warm mouth gobbling away at me.i moved around a bit til i could get his cock in my mouth and we lay in a 69 position sucking away at each other.i was well into it when i heard.....time to lick my arse,and before i knew it he was on all fours with his arse in the air.i didnt need telling twice and started to tongue his open hole.he groaned loudly and when i reached under and grabbed his hard cock and started rubbing i. ”Matthew starts filling in paper and slowly drinks whiskey as it goes. After about 30minutes he manages to fill in everything. l****a takes filled paper and tells him to follow her. “As we are date agency, we’ll do some pictures of you, so ladies can pick you. Smile and pose please….. Perfect. Now sit on chair and move slowly, let your imagination be your guide.”l****a does a nice set of pictures, and after 20minutes she finishes:” Great, pictures will be so great once I’m done with editing. We were fully clothed and she was sitting on my lap, facing away from me, pretending to look at her phone. Her skirt was spread over my legs, which kept us from being too obvious, but I was still nervous. Every seat on the express train was full. The aisles were packed elbow-to-elbow with a mix of fans heading to the game and commuters heading home after work. We were in the single seat at the back of the train car — the one mounted sideways between the last row of seats and the rear wall.. We both turned to see her smiling as she stood in front of us shaking the large double headed dildo I had seen in the pictures earlier. “Damn how sexy, this will have to wait.” she said throwing the large dong on the bed beside us and grabbing the camera. “Smile!” was all we heard before the familiar sound of her camera shuttering started. “Let me see you ride that big dick.” Amber said in a sexy voice. As Emily started riding me she quickly realized this time was different, I was able to give.
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