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“Lexie, I love you. Please don’t do this…... Please.”, I begged.I can’t live like this, Chris……. You’re not going to change. I’m sorry but my mind is made up.”, she replied, setting the ring down on the coffee table. “Lexie, please baby……”, I begged, once more. “Sorry Chris, I’m going home. I will come back tomorrow and get my things.”, she replied.She grabbed her keys and walked out of the door without saying another word. I can’t describe how I felt. There was a pain in my chest and a knot in. Then there was the 15th man who had his own request. He asked master if he could instead knock me to the floor by punching the wind out of me, and then if he could please wrap his fingers around my throat and squeeze my neck, in order to choke me out while he jerked off over my face with his other hand. Master then unhooked me from the railing and said I was all his. This man jumped over to our porch, chased me around until I was cornored, made a fist and and punched me as hard as he could into. Chris turned back to the girls and saw that they were openly touching each. "Yes, they are." He agreed. He feared that this mystery girl might be a lesbian. "But... they're lacking something." He added."Oh? And what would that be?" The girl asked, amused."A man." He answered, hoping the girl would take the bait."Ah... a 'm?nage a` trois'... why don't you go offer yourself." She replied, grinning."Because as arousing as a 'm?nage a trois' would be with them, I'd much rather be with you." He. “Right here… ”“Yes.”Ting.“Right now… ”Allie drew a deep breath.The phone chimed three more times. “Open your eyes.”Ting.She opened her eyes. White light filled her sight for a moment, but she fought off the urge to squint. Wyatt came into focus. As she looked at him, a smile eased across her lips. She knew his ‘hypnosis’ didn’t work, but she wasn’t about to call bullshit on him again...“So… what do you want, Allie?” he asked.… not right now, anyway.Maintaining the trance act, she remained mute.
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