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Lynn looked so hot in her blue dress with her blonde hair shining under the soft lights. Yet, my mind seemed to be elsewhere. Our number ended in a far less dramatic fashion than that of Ron and Jill. We made our way off to the side and stood there watching the other dancers. After every couple did their solo thing in the middle of the floor, it once again became a bit of a free for all. The progression of time combined with the open bar was making for somewhat of a real party atmosphere. Lynn. How’s my favorite niece doing today?” Mike called back as he brought the boat up to the dock.“I’m fine,” Karen answered as she caught the rope he tossed to her. She tied the boat to the dock with practiced ease. She said, “Daddy will be here in a minute. He’s torturing the guy my sister is dating.”“How is he doing that?” Mike asked with a smile. He turned off the motor on the boat.“He’s telling a story about you and him facing down a squad of terrorists who were trying to take out Homeland. I quickly regained my sleeping posture and closed my eyes. I sensed the cell lights once again and then everything went dark again. I waited for some time but again dozed off soon.The next time I woke up, it was almost morning. Little light was coming in through the thin curtains and I looked towards Punam. She seemed fast asleep. I opened my mobile and saw it was 5:15 am. Then an idea struck my mind.I got up slowly and went towards the bed. The posture she was in gave me a raging hard on once. Told her when I cum shes going to have to swallow it so no one will know what we just did. She just nodded her head. I started whispering in her ear about what a dirty cunt she was for fucking her son in law with her husbands dirty underwear in her mouth. Asked her if she enjoyed the dick that fucks her daughter. I could tell she started cumming when I said that. I told her I can hear people in the other room. Asked her if she felt like a whore doing what we were doing. She just turned & shooh.
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