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He needed to relax, and the best way to do that involved her.He met Marie years ago earlier, playing some stupid online game. At first there was just playful flirting, but that quickly turned into something more serious as they realized how alike they were. It didn't hurt that she was so pretty, with dazzling happy eyes.The only downside? She was already involved. But they kept in touch, and eventually that involvement worked itself out. Once she was no longer entangled, they made plans to meet. I watched as she tied an end to Maple's knee, then followed suit as Red waited for me to catch up. She loosened the ties at Maple's ankles but kept them securely tied. She motioned for me to grab the cord I had just tied. As I did, I watched Red pull the cord and I followed her example. This pulled Maple's knees toward the side of the bed. With the ankles loosened, we easily pulled the cord up more toward the head of the bed, and to my amazement, I realized Maple's pussy was fully exposed and. "Wow, you're still asleep, Valerie?" No, just couldn't be bothered." And with that, she took off for the kitchen.She returned shortly after with a bowl of cereals and occupied the sofa where we used to sit during lessons."We ready now or what, Mike?"I looked at her when she shoved her feet under her legs and... 'Was that....? No, no, that wasn't, she surely would wear underwear, now come off it, Mike!'Again, a few minutes later, when she shifted to a cross-legged position, I saw that between. .We just want to help!" Jake whispered in her ear.She could feel his breath against her ear and the smell of sweat and grass off of his clothes. Then she felt a soft, warm, wet object touch her fingers and move over her hard clit. It was Larry's tongue. He began lapping away at her little man as he fucked her with his middle finger. Jake reached down and unzipped his pants to reveal a huge bulge in his boxers. He positioned himself beside Sasha so she could get a good look at what he had to.
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