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I can feel the vibrations on my cock as the guy sucking me begins to moan. I am so turned on by the sight of all of this that I can feel the cum start to flow. I lose all control and just flood this guys throat with my jizz, he continues swallowing my cock as my seed coats his throat. By the time the spasms have passed I notice that the guy in the corner now has his cock planted in the ass of my cock sucker. I lean over to get a better look and I can see that his cock is huge, at least 10. .." That's possible," Jake said. "It doesn't sound quite right though. Remember, he was still being a little bitch to us the last week or so, and that's when it really looked like you were gonna end up in the slam." Exactly," Matt said. "Which is why I think it's the second possibility that's actually going on." What's the second possibility?" Jake asked."Matt!" shouted Sharon from over at the soundboard. She was wearing a pair of baggy jeans and an extra-large sweater. A UCLA baseball cap was. I say she found me but it's not like I'd been hiding. I tried not to keep anything secret from the girls; there wasn't any real point to it anyway. There was one new project I didn't want them to see but that was mostly because I didn't want them to worry overly much about it; it scared the shit out of me enough for all of us. I was trying, very, very delicately, to find out just how the girls ended up in the state's meat factory and not as honored guests at the local Hilton waiting for. When I turned around Stacy has slipped off her night gown and had on nothing but a sexy back teddy while laying back on my bed. "Do you thing you will enjoy watching this with me?" "Yes, but I'd love to make one with you too!" "All in good time, the night is young." As she lay there in her teddy and me in my silky boxers we both become aroused by the film and both start playing openly with ourselves, then slowly start to play with each other. As the film finished we were both hot and ready to.
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