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The red hair and pale skin was owed to my Irish ancestors, the purple eyes a fluke of nature that said little about myself as a person, but they were what everyone associated me with. I kept in shape, I ran three miles every day, lifted weights twice a week, and I didn’t eat a lot of crap. I smoked too much and I drank heavily, but I was in good health. I grew up in Detroit and knew by the age of eight how to boost a car, by nine I was doing it. By ten I could take one apart by myself in an. ‘That would go over well, I’ll just walk up and tell her that when I’m not with her it feels like I’m going to die and when I am with her I feel warm and fuzzy, that sounds perfectly normal and well balanced, women love when you say stuff like that to them,’ he muttered to himself. ‘Yeah that would probably be a bad move,’ Jeff’s friend Ted said, making Jeff jump as he walked up next to him. ‘So who is she?’ he asked. ‘I don’t really know yet,’ Jeff said, thinking that all he really knew was. He doubted very much that any intervention on his part would be necessary. Bob knew that for her, this would be a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent, and he knew very well what was coming.Heather looked at Mr. Drummer incredulously, then at each of the band members in turn, noting that the others were just rolling their eyes and shaking their heads. Apparently this wasn't a unique situation with this particular band member.Heather never had any problem saying exactly what was on her mind. “Patty, are you okay?” asked her friend Michelle. “You look like you’re about a zillion miles from here! What the hell’s going on with you?” Patty caught herself before sharing this new part of her life with her best friend. The two girls had known each other since before they started elementary school, and had been inseparable all that time.“Oh nothing. I’m fine, just a little preoccupied though. Dad and I got talking last night, and he gave me a lot to think about. I’m just trying to sort it.
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