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Women exchange tips on dealing with the everyday challenges of sex work; a busy thread on one forum concerns which sheets stand up best to frequent washing. A mother in Scotland asks how other prostitutes juggle c***d care and selling sex, given that bookings are often made at short notice so babysitters are hard to arrange. Another contributor who is thinking of having c***dren asks how much other women saved before taking time off to have a baby, and whether the new calls on their time meant. Your behind was red, but I didnt seem to care. Next time when I tell you to do something you better damn well do it. Can I suck your dick?! No I said, since you still didnt deserve a taste of my hard cock. I wanted my dick in your mouth very badly. I could feel the same fire and desire that you felt. But I was determined to torture the hell out of you before giving you a taste of me. My madness was taking over my usual calm persona. I now have my belt tied tight around your neck, as I look deep. The pole was raised until the 2 inch cock was inside me impaling me upon it. I suddenly started to tingle. I had to remain still but I found it hard with the cock in me, pulsing. A hand grabbed my hair yanking my head back and the wedding began. I listened to the story of our Lord and why men should be honoured and pleasured for the rest of time. The man at my side was blessed and given the blade of marriage. I was aching now wanting to move off this infernal cock. I need to release but. A reply came in quickly and I’d begin to work next on Thursday next week (I had enquired at the agency for a job on Friday). On my fist day of labor, I’d dish up as a waiter in a civil wedding, noisy party, and the party was scheduled to begin at 9:00 p.m. till 2:00 a.m. Sunday in the morning. On my first assignment I’d be the doorman here, and coordinate all musical bands to play tonight. Since I consider myself a responsible guy, I got there at 7:00 p.m. (it’s mandatory for waiters,.
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