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She’s actually two years older than I am, forty-one now. She’s just a very well kept forty-one. Appearance was always important to her.”“This is the first I knew about you being married before Maria and Sandy. What happened?” Ashley realized she made a mistake when she saw my face, bringing up all my wives at the same time. She was trying to find a way to back up when I spoke.“Short version, she traded up. Found someone higher up on the food-chain who made her a better offer and she was off. I started kissing her from behind, slowly but steadily I made my way close to her pussy. I started biting her on her ass which she enjoyed and asked me to bite harder. Pain and pleasure was a nice cocktail for us at that time. I bit harder almost leaving my bite mark on her cheeks. I then took her thong off , pushed her on the table in doggy style and rammed my dick in her ass. She yelled fuck me like a dog. She was moaning and with each moan my hard dick pushed further. It was the most intense. ," I want my mother to know of the results as well," Artemis interrupted.The healer nodded. "Follow me, miladies."A few minutes later, Steena and Artemis found themselves in a small meadowsurrounded by a lush garden. It was intentionally designed to calm jitterynerves. Shortly thereafter, the Mistress of the Medical Guild herself joinedthem."I should have known Gaia's lead healer would be the one handling mydaughter's test," Steena said lightheartedly."Of course, Queen Dominus. After all, your. .. like assfucking me and then making me clean his cock off with my tongue.... he was quite explicit that my pleasure was quite inconsequential to him, and that the only purpose of this cybersex was for HIS pleasure. That night I emailed the text of my "My Conversion to Black Cock" story to him, so he knew what the man in Tulsa had done to me and what kind of slut I had become.Leon found out we live in the same city (Dallas), and that I am married..... we met online again the next night. In the.
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