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Upon waking she winces as she tries to move and remembers their position, the smell of stale sex wafts between them as they separate. Her hand automatically reaches for her pussy to checks its status.She dips her fingers inside herself and finds the inevitable wetness that is a combination of his seed and her desire for him. She brings her hand up to her mouth and without deciding to do it, she slips her fingers in and sucks the juices, instantly aroused by the brazenness she apparently has no. He's the owner's son but he started in shipping and worked his way up. He earned it the hard way and he's getting a good education."Her distraction was great. It eased me down a little and I could go longer. I about had my orgasm locked away for a while. I didn't want one. This was too good to spoil. Her bare skin on her buns in between my hips each time was to die for and her muscles working were too. She didn't lift up and down and her chest didn't lift up and down. She swiveled her hips down. I want to see their faces Christmas morning. Not the day before or the day after." You know Paul and I like the kids to be there. We like to celebrate as a family." Fine," Dave said, he smiled and nodded. "We'll celebrate as a family. What time should I be there?" Be where?" At your house. I told I wanted to see the kids Christmas day. You said you wanted to celebrate as a family. You may not consider me family anymore but I think being their father makes me part of Emily and Hayley's family.. He asked for direction to bring me the best pleasure he could, but he was already there. He was doing exactly what I needed. Each time Duncan pushed me to a new level of desire, my moans grew loader, and my breathing was more ragged. When his finger finally slipped into my wet pussy I was clinging to him and moaning a plea for more, even though he was giving me exactly what I needed. My hands fisted at his shoulder, moving to his side, even at his thigh. The way the two office chairs were.
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