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I was good at that. Don’t worry little lamb, I’m here. Everything was right in the world, this was a job I was good at. I’m a protector after all. I’ll keep the wolves at bay. “When you spend your whole life with dogs you’ll learn mating and social behaviors they engage in. It’s fascinating to watch when swaths of humanity exhibit the same behaviors.” - The Dark Librarian crudely simplifying the Gene Wars of 2125 The zipties bumping against my right thigh brought my mind to this moment, as I. He could feel her breasts pressed against his back and her free hand was running up and down his stomach. The whole world had faded away and now the only thing he was conscious of was this incredible creature making love to him. She was making him feel things he’d never felt before and he was lost in her spell. Suddenly out of nowhere his orgasm came crashing down around him. Hot thick jets of his cum sprayed on the wall of the elevator as she pushed against his prostrate. Jesse groaned and. "So much tighter!" Will grunted before he could stop himself, holding himself buried to the hilt in his little girl."Just imagine fucking it and filling it with cum!" Vikki squealed."Just put it in, that's what we agreed..." Will said a little unsure of himself."C'mon, Daddy, just a few thrusts, you know you're close, you're in now, just finish off. For me?"Will's mind was cloudy, the pleasure he was feeling in his cock blinding his judgement. What Vikki was saying did seem to make sense. Just. Did you know that I went to see my father?" Yes. I talked to him last week," I said.After that we were both silent for a minute."Would it be all right if I called Kate again?" Megan asked."Yes. I think Kate would like that," I said."When I call, would you talk to me too?" I guess," I said."Next week then?" Okay," I said and then Megan hung up.That became the pattern for the next few months. Megan would usually call on Saturday or Sunday and I would let Kate answer that phone. Somehow that made.
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