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‘What about this one?’ The group looked at the photograph of Matt, the white of one eyeball showing vividly, as he looked up entirely devoid of expression from under his cupped hand. ‘Great photo Spud. Could win you an award,’ said a colleague. The chief photographer took another thirty seconds, drumming his fingers on the table. ‘Let’s go with it,’ he barked. ‘It’s our replace. Go, go! Matt will kill us for using it, but our blasted editor will kill me if I publish crap. I’ve decided to. Our breathing was getting deeper and harder. Sweat was breaking out on her forehead and upper lip while I could feel mine dripping down my face. I was pounding her, despite her attempts to rock her hips up, I was driving them down.I was driving the breath out of her. "Unh ... unh ... don't ... stop ... unh ... unh ... I'm ... close ... unh ... so ... close ... unh ... unh ... don't ... stop..."This was the hardest we had gone at it, almost violently but out of love. I was close, too and doing. He grabbed the hair on both sides of my head and without hesitation pushed into my mouth! I moaned, gagged and then tried to relax as the brothers worked me over from both ends!Tyrone was taking longer deeper strokes that felt like they were going to tear me apart! James was working my mouth as aggressively as his brother was working my ass!I flashed on my wife out shopping and couldn't believe I was doing this! How had my need to suck black cock turned into something so out of control! My ass. He satisfied his olfactory senses to the hilt by digging his nose into my bum cheeks as deep as was possible. I freaked out when he ploughed his middle finger deep into my anus, but thanked the saree for saving my modesty today. As his fingers frantically searched for my glory hole over my saree, my legs had turned to jelly. Besides a couple of weak, but long pulls of “AAAhhs & Ooaahhs”, I could dare not do anything.My parted legs, his furrowing nose, my lowered panty, his plowing finger along.
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