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She was fertile. She was mid cycle. This man’s sperm was packed into her, held there by the thick stalk that had injected it there. That flat belly might very well swell, as his baby grew and stretched her skin. As she sat there, looking at the evidence that they were mating, she no longer wished that it would happen for revenge. Instead, she felt a craving deep in her belly ... deeper than he was penetrating ... to be full of life ... to see her belly grow larger and larger ... to feel that. They broke away for a second or two then their lipsmeet again. I started to get very curious and wonderedjust how far she had gone with John. They could haveleft the party hours ago and been up to just aboutanything. Was this a simple ‘good night’ kiss, or wasit a ‘thanks for the fuck, lets get together againsometime’ kiss!Soon they broke apart and Jan let herself in the frontdoor. Still confused over my strange emotion I jumpedinto bed first and feigned sleep. In the. Outside the .wind was blowing hard against the windows rain lashing the pains with all their might. Ahh I thought, should be on the 07:15 now and half way to the city slowly sipping from my second cup of tea, my wife having long left for the office on the same train, wonder what today will bring! I went up for a shower around 09:30 still not in a hurry to do much about the day. I was drying off and looked in the mirror on the door thinking to myself “not bad for a 60-year-old” good body with. When I was near the bursting point, i was still too chicken to pee my pants outside so I started heading back to the underground parking garage where I left my car. My heart was RACING, not only from the anticipation but from the effort of holding my pee & from the pressure in my bladder. I took the stairway and as soon as I was not in view of the street level, I relaxed my muscles and my pee just POURED out; it just felt soooo good cuz I was holding it so long. I felt the hot liquid streaming.
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