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The orgasm left her breathless and damp with perspiration.In the afterglow, Deb trembled at the thought of being fully naked so near the crowd of parents and soccer players. While she wished she could just stay that way, she gathered her wits, untangled her jeans and panties and got dressed. As she finished buttoning her blouse, Deb saw two cars pull into the lot for the next practice session. She smiled to herself and opened the windows on both sides to get some fresh air in the van, before. She moved the latex cock into Kate’s cunt. She got into a good rhythm while she made love to Kate. Kate wrapped her legs around Anna’s hips and they made love together. The man was excited and let out his own moan while he ejaculated over his palm. Anna pulled out of Kate’s pussy and went back to work pleasuring her pussy with her tongue. Kate was squirming back and forth on the bed while she continued with her orgasms.Anna was slurping up Kate’s juices and enjoying how excited she was. . Longer!"I panicked! "Race, you mustn't! Don't cum in me! It's abomination!"That really amped his pounding hips. The big prick drilling my cunt tore deeper inside, until he was pounding on my cervix! I screamed. "It hurts! STOP!"He slowed, a bit. His glazed eyes blinked. It was my only chance."Let me drink your cum. You want Mommy to be your cum-slut, right?" I rattled off like a machine gun. "Shoot your big cock full of juice into mommy's mouth, Honey. How can I ever learn to like, um, LOVE. I turned my head to see it was bro (later he told me, as he wasn’t sure when he would be coming back, and in case, I go out somewhere today he had some important work, which he cannot postpone for next day will be stuck, so he carried extra keys with him). I had gone too far and I had no excuse to give him now because I was in bra and panty in his room enjoying his porn stuff. He would have definitely felt horny seeing me that way. I tried to get free from his grip, but to no avail. He was.
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