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I stood so she could see me. She did and marched over to me. I was confident that she knew the rules. She’d let me know that she’d gotten the rules-packet when she’d applied to get on my approved—approved by me—visitation list.We took our seats. “Oh my God, Andrew. I am so damn sorry!” she said. “Your face!”“I was in a fight. It happens,” I said. “No big deal.”“Jesus, I am so damn sorry. This is all my fault. I don’t know what to say, do, think...”“No need, no need to worry. We only got two. And I can guarantee the ones that aren’t already pirates, will run the first chance they get when word gets out. You’ve got a civilian population that is currently unwilling and unable to fight. And worst of all, you don’t have the time to fix it.”The lady doubting Thomas who had spoken earlier asked “Captain, after predicting all this doom and gloom, what do YOU plan on doing about it? That is, IF, we hire you to defend the station?”I looked around the room. 6 of the leading money makers on. We walked through a doorway into the pool room, the water had warmed the air and the humidity made it a bit uncomfortable in our street clothes. We went back into the conservatory and crossed to the other side where Quin opened a door that led to a patio. On one side was a covered spa bath. He folded back one panel of the cover and immediately wisps of water vapour curled up from inside. “This is yours as well, the controls are here”, he pointed to an area on the top of the bath body.“Now. The reason was obvious. They had all participated in the rape of Debbie and saw Jennifer as the sequel."Here, little Missy Hollywood!" laughed one of the men as he threw a bar of soap at Jennifer.She reached for it, but the inherent slippiness caused it to squirt out of her hands. Instinctively she bent down to pick it up."Man! Look at those bags o' milk!" This is sick!" announced Jennifer, shaking with indignation and not a little fear, "This is just some depraved titillation for you all!" Yo.
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