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”Heather said, “Monica, do you have any questions for X or me?” She grinned. “I also want my clothes off.” She quickly stripped. Both Monica and Charles’ eyes widened at the sight.Monica said, “What kind of limits to you have, Heather?”“I didn’t think I had any but, a few days ago, a friend brought her roommate and slave over. Her slave took her hand further up her ass than I thought possible. I’ve been fisted elbow deep but this girl took her mistress’s to her armpit! It was beyond hot and. Her stomach was beautiful, toned, her skin pale and translucent. She leant forward and placed her hands, one on each thigh and telling me to stay perfectly still leant forward, undid my tie and pulled it free. Then she was pulling at my jacket and lifting myself off the bed slightly I assisted her in removing it followed by my shirt and tie. She ran her hands down my chest, all the while I lay compliant, unmoving unless instructed. Then it was my belt, then the clasp of my trousers and lifting. Yes, she was his toy, and a perfect one at that. Such an amazingly fit and toned body, but... (‘more’) A man like him needed more variety. Perhaps a more buxom beauty to go along with this slim blonde. Perhaps even a girl with a slight build without the strong muscles of this athletic slave. Yes, there were many more women that a man could want.“Why not,” he said aloud to himself. She was oblivious now, perhaps, but perhaps he should use her. She could definitely be of use in recruiting more. The color of her chest became an angry red color, while the muscles in her neck and shoulder also tightened. The moisture from her pussy had become copious and was running down between the cheeks of her ass. Just as her orgasm was about to make an appearance, I pulled the vibrator away. Her pussy was high in the air begging for stimulation. Her eyes shot open and a scream of agony came from her tightened throat muscles. “Don’t STOP! I need it.”I sat down on the coffee table next to the day bed..
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