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He was 6’8” tall and weighed over 300 lbs. and none of it looked like fat. I was 5’4” and weighed 110. He then kissed me on the top of the head and proceeded to rave to Mark what a treasure I was. “If I wasn’t married to Chloe and she was available I’d chase her just for the cinnamon rolls.”Mark tried to smile but it came out as a grimace. I compared them as I stood there. Mark was 5’10” and weighed 180, the beginnings of a spare tire around his middle. Another reason I tried to get him to walk. “So is this your revenge, for what happened between you and your wife?” Derry asked.“You can put it that way.” I sipped the cold beer.“You are planning to ruin our marriage, aren’t you?”“I don’t want to. And I don’t want to hold you responsible for wrecking our marriage,” I replied, trying to maintain my calm.“Then what do you want?” he asked narrowing his eyes.“I want to know why Kate cheated on me,” I blurted out.There was a long silence. Derry looked down, as if to study the patterns on the. I quickly walked to the living room and turned on the TV I sad down on the couch and waited for Nicki to come out so I could apologize. 20 mins went by and she finally came out. She was wearing some daisy dukes and a fitted tank top that showed off her clevage. I dont know if she did that on intintially. But I got up and statred to say Im sorry. She stopped me and said it was ok that no harm was done. She told me to sit back down and relax she sat next to me I could smell her lavender lotion. She flipped on the switch and quickly found her moist opening. She jumped and cried out when the tip of the vibrating faux-penis touched her swollen clitoris. Miriam had never used a dildo before but it didn't take her long for her to catch on and figure it out. She imagined that the large black vibrator was the black boy from the movie. It didn't take long, however, for her to bring herself off with her own amateurish ministrations. Her heartbeat raced as she climaxed. It was as if a huge.
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