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" me—is that understood?" he went on. "Your tits." He slapped them again. "Your mouth." He shoved three fingers so deeply into her mouth that she began to choke, and then just as quickly removed them. "Your ass." He inserted his middle finger up her passage to the knuckle of his hand, making her scream with the shock of it. "And your pussy," he concluded, using his thumb to press down on her clitoris.Marie cried out and writhed and groaned and whimpered nonsense as he went on. Bathing it with her tongue and running her lips over the crown. Thank god I had been drinking or I’d have cum right then and there, but when I drink it seems to just make me hard but not as easy to cum as if I’m totally sober. Now I don’t get drunk, I like to drink but only when dancing so I can dance off the normal effects of the liquor. So I’m able to maintain the hardness but not give up the ghost, and she sure would have gotten it if I had been sober. After a few minutes I pulled her up. It's good it was late at night. Any visitors to the Waiting Room would not be able to see Soon Lee's Spirit sitting there. They'd just have seen the tablet suspended in thin air.Wi-Fi is a great thing because in seconds Soon Lee said, "Found something!"I Googled 'Salem Witchcraft Trials' and got a long list of links. I quickly found one referencing someone with the last name Parker ... Mary Ayer Parker."The article I found," continued Soon Lee, "Says Mary was tried on September 16, 1692 and. The lighting along this back row was non-existent and very dark. Hence there were six to eight guys either sitting or standing in the shadows. All were stroking themselves as the movie played, with either their hands in their pants or visibly jerking off.I was holding Sue’s hand as she doesn’t see well even with her contact lenses in dim lighting. I steered her up the nearest side of the center aisle and noticed one of the couples seated about dead center of the theater. There were several guys.
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