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As for me, I was to take off my clothes, sit quietly and watch without touching myself. “Are you kidding?” I asked “I won’t have touch myself to spout like a geyser!”While Tracey went to prepare a bowl of hot water, some soft soap, moisturizing lotion, scissors and a razor, Cathy watched while I undressed and sat in the armchair. She whispered “You had your dessert, now I want some” and quickly engulfed my already engorged cock with her warm mouth, gave it one almighty suck from the base to the. . what are you going to do now? are you going to just stand there? or are you going to give your mother what she needs?" Yet again I couldn't think, I just reacted and walked towards her. I took my hand out my my pants and put both of them to her. Grabbing her hair and kissing her, not giving a thought about it. The only thought I had was "This is my mother, I don't care, I'm hard, I'm horny, and I want her right now" Before I knew it my pants were already around my ankles. As I was kissing her. Hij gaat er steeds dieper in. "Is dat mijn sneeuwnetje?" Vraagt het meisje die naar de lul van de man kijkt die in haar kutje verdwijnt. "Ja zegt de man" De man haalt zin sneeuwblazer half uit haar sneeuwnetje en er weer in en steeds heen en weer. Het meisje begint er een beetje van de hijgen en te kreunen. Dan opeens ziet ze wit spul langs haar sneeuwnetje glijden. "Mijn sneeuwnetje heeft niet alle sneeuw opgevangen!"Het is een warme zomer dag.Een meisje loopt over straat. Ze is helemaal rood. Flicked it and made a way further reached her panty. My cock was getting harder and harder. Inserted my fingers in her panty and wow it was hot there. I felt her clit with my finger and as soon as I touched there she bit my lips. She was fully excited. I felt juices flowing from her pussy. I fingered her for 2-3 minutes and she came once suddenly her dad started coughing and within a second I have to leave her and came back to my actual place. The old man got up after that and went to kitchen.
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