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" I felt sorry for Rebecca, but there was a part of me to reach across the desk and throttle her when she said things like that.I tapped the desk. "Hang on there. I'll make some calls, see if we can work something out." It's not like I've got anywhere to go," Rebecca said. She was right. Beyond her personal situation, campus at these dead-of-night hours was like a cage – no buses, few cars, nothing around for miles but student slums and highways. You had to wait for whoever let you in to come. "N, n, nice to see you miss." He stammered. Liz felt some people were so cruel she wondered sometimes if she was the only contact he had with anyone outside his immediate family.An hour later she sat for supper in the oversized dinning room taking this opportunity to read through some files. The food as normal was delicious and Pa Angel was an excellent waiter been so attentive to his few guests. Like normal there was only four or five of them. Today two young run away types looking barely old. In short, Rachel was something of a stern but caring matriarch within that youthful company. On first meeting her Alec had two simultaneous reactions. The first was when she extended her hand to shake his, saying, ‘Rachel Conway,’ and he felt the strength in her grip. ‘This is a woman to be wary of,’ he thought, and although Alec stood at least four inches taller than Rachel, he felt himself to be overawed by her. The second reaction was extremely odd. Alec felt as if he knew her – that he had. And if that was true, then I’d be interfering in a way which would offend me if someone tried to interfere with me in that way.I checked my watch and it was still too early for lunch, and I didn’t really have anyone I wanted to see. I was sure Amelia was home, but Janie and I were not on the best of terms, and I really didn’t want to run into her. It was going to be bad enough working with her at Christmas. It struck me as funny that I’d been home for a day and was already missing my friends. I.
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