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She then grasped the waist of her short shorts and began to peel them down slowly. Another collective gasp was heard as it became obvious her suit was a string bikini with intersecting strings for the back. She was hotter than hot! Somehow, it was hotter than when we were naked. I guess that it was the public part of the situation. I now had a slight problem. I was erect, straining the front of the pouch. It wasn’t in the open but there was no doubt that I was equipped.Karen held her hand out. In a tiny fractionof the time it had taken me to get ready he was there standing beside me,dressed in checkered shorts and a blue polo that showed off his musculararms without drawing (much) attention to them. I was getting a littleworried that I was starting to notice these kinds of things, but Nickinterrupted my thoughts."Ready for breakfast? I know we ate well last night, but I'm starvingafter that run. I've heard they have a great buffet here, so I hope youbrought an appetite! Come on,. He caught hold of my cock’s head in his mouth and created a vacuum in his mouth. I got a sudden kick in my balls and my cock got bigger than never before and touched his throat. I moved my hip and made a deep penetration. My hot cum filled his mouth. He continued sucking. I was on the top of my ecstasy and I moaned at top of my voice! My dick was still in his mouth. He was so excited that he got my hips in his own hand and moving them back and froth and my cock was rubbing against his soft. I whispered again to him slowly. “I want you- to make love- to me.” Something seemed to burst inside of him. He tossed me on to the bed and flew out of his pants in an instant. His boxer-briefs were quick to follow and then he was on top of me, quicker than lightning. His kisses now were filled with even more hunger and yearning. The only thing between the two of us were my thin silky panties, damp with my excitement. I loved his kisses, loved his insistent touch, I wanted it to last forever..
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