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“I was going to save my anal virginity for him…. But now, well, it seems that he’d rather offer it to YOU!”This was certainly a change of events! Where I was caught up in the moment and very excited to see Dave ass-fuck my wife, it was now clear that my wife was taking over and planning the rest of the evening. My wife then looked up at Dave and with her sexy eyes, asked him sweetly:“Lay on your back?” my wife asked, as she seductively patted the bed. Dave smiled and took a prone position in. The first two squirts of cum arced over Laci’s head and onto the carpet. Another hit my wife’s cheek as she laughed. She scooped up the cum and sucked it off her fingers, enjoying my lack of control. Still another squirt landed squarely on the hard nipple of her left breast. I got myself together enough to push the head of my spurting dick back inside my wife’s vagina, pumping the rest of my cum into her as she moaned beneath me. I could taste the sweetness of Shawna’s vagina on the panties. I reached for the wig. But as I did so, I immediately heard Kerry say, “No, all of it.” I thought I understood what he meant, but I looked at Kerry and motioned to my sweatshirt and jeans. Kerry nodded slightly. So I proceeded to slip off my loafers and jeans. Every now and then I snuck a look at Kerry, who was overseeing my actions approvingly. I took off my sweatshirt, so that now I was fully exposed in the bra, garter skirt, nylon panties and stockings I had been wearing under my. “Please stop Drake!” James yelled which drew even more attention to him. “Ew does he have a boner, and why is it so small?” Exclaimed a woman that happened to be close by. “Ladies we have caught ourselves a pervert that was peeping on you!” Drake yelled and then smiled at James with a shit-eating grin.“But don’t worry we will deal with him promptly!” Drake then proceeded to drag James away with him and Andrew. “Yeah deal with that disgusting pervert!” The crowd said as they saw James being.
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