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Just make her leave, please Mom. Bradley begged shutting his eyes tightly, squeezing another tear out."Jane, kneel on the floor. I want you to notice how hard and thick he is at only 13 years old." she said ignoring Brad. "Take special notice of the tip of his cock, it's purple because he's a bad, bad boy. Even under these circumstances he is horny!Jane just stared at his cock, she was mesmerized by it."I'm afraid I need you to relieve him." Bradleys mother said."Take his dick in your hands. She sits down next to me and to not be rude I put away my lap top and engage in a conversation. She tells me she is heading out of the city to meet up with some friends. We both mention the crappy weather and she tells me she is bored on long train rides and was glad I could talk. She placed her hand on my knee while talking and it instantly sent a shiver up my spice and made my cock start to harder. The more we talked the further her hand was moving up my thigh. I was pitching tent at. Finally, we were drunk and I now had the courage to make a move on her, but she beat me to it. As i tried to kiss her, she pushed me on my back and sat on my chest, I looked in her eyes surprised and next thing i knew, I was chewing on dick. Felt strange to have a dick in my mouth and I didn't know what to do at first, but my girl whispered me to relax and think about the head I received in my life and to follow suit. I did and she assured me I was doing fine. I would bob my head up down. He then asked if I ever touched them and I told him no. Jack said he wanted to see another cock and said we should all show each other our own. I said okay, but Kevin seemed a little timid. So Jack unbuttoned his pants, pulled the zipper down... And WHAM! What sprang through his boxers hole was enormous.It had to of been a rock solid 10 inches smooth with a gentle curve like a banana. Kevin and I looked at the cock in shock and Jack said what about you guys I'm sure yours are just as big. So I.
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