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I had chatted with a few online but nothing ever materialized. I did not expect anything to happen when I logged onto to my computer this particular Saturday night and started browsing. I had not been online long when I received a message from this guy and we started chatting. I told him that I hadn't been with a black guy before but really wanted to. He then sent me a photo of his nice penis. I instantly started fantasizing about what it would be like to have his beautiful black dick in my. The first day was filled with class's and meetings that were absolutly boring, that night we went to diner with a few other's and afterward went to the hptel lounge for a few drinks, during this time I noticed that L was looking a little down, I sat next to her and quired why the long face, she told me that her breasts were aching and need to release as her milk was comming in. so she excused her self to go and take care of the issue, I left about 5 min later, Now we had decided to keep the. "I do as I am told while my pulls the silky white tights up my legs as itwraps around my diapered bottom. "There ya go princess and your blackMary Jane shoes are buckled back up and you can go play now with yoursister." Okay momma." I stand back up and feel how bulky the diaper feels on me."How long do I have to wear this diaper momma?"I turn and look at mom waiting for a response. "Well when it's wet I'llchange you now go play now." I look sad as I push my long hair out of myeyes as mom. We started the party at the pool. I had on my bright yellow and orange string bikini. I was hot! We moved it back to the apartment when it got dark. I changed into a tiny sundress, no bra but a darling sheer blue thong. I was flirting with his friends like I always did when I was drinking. Tommy loved it when I flirted, I guess it aroused him that others desired me but I was his girlfriend. I was flirting with everyone that night but they knew it wasn't serious. I danced with everyone that.
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