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One day I decided that enough was enough and I wanted to do this. I arrived at Gary’s house around noon. He lived out in the country, not terribly far from the city, maybe twenty-five minutes worth of a drive. I really enjoyed the country but after college I moved to the city for a better chance at a real job. I longed for fresh air and beautiful country roads. Turns out that Gary living in the country allowed me to fulfill some extra desires that I had not thought would ever really happen. I. He started by whipping her, not with the belt, but with the plastic rod from the blinds. An innocent object which could be found in every room of the house, it sliced into her skin again and again, leaving thin red stripes on her ass, thighs, and belly.He even used the rod on her tits, but just a couple of times each. That didn't mean that they got off easy. Far from it. Instead, he whipped those bulging masses with something she had never imagined as a pain-inducer: an extension cord. Due to. We hanged out that evening mingling each other and this was the great kick-off for our visit to Gorai beach next week. Same evening post dinner she changed and we were to chat in her balcony, she came out in a very exotic night dress which was very thin, light yellow in color and was really see through. I could see that she was on stripless bra on and this dressing was really the tip of the iceburg as the balcony was really breezing out and we both were getting ignited. I complemented her that. Can I have my appetizer?I replied sure, she then knelt infront of me, removed my shoes, undid my pants and pulled them and my underwear off. without hesitaion she grasped my manhood, stroaked it a few times and took it into her mouth. Gently nibbling, sucking it as she manipulated my balls and shaft with her fingers.Her loving attenton to my shaft soon brought it to a spasm as it spurted several times its juice into her mouth which she eagerly consumed and made attempts with her mouth to get.
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