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Any of the choices, are acceptable." Live or artificial." I don't care. I just need something to actively stimulate me." Sarah heard movement behind her and then felt a something warm and hard slide between her labia. Just its presence between them was a very pleasant feeling. Then it started to vibrate, which felt even better. She tried to spread her legs, but the cot limited her movement.Seeing Sarah's effort to move, Janet loosened the slings supporting her legs. With that, Sarah moved them,. “Sir, I like when you tease me. It feels so good, may I please have more?” I felt his fingers stop. I whimpered at the loss again. “You asked well, I'm proud of you. Now your reward”. He rapidly slid his third finger in me and I felt my head swirl from the pain of it. He quickly pumped them in and out creating an exquisite pattern for my body to react to. I felt my juices let loose and I tried not to squeeze his fingers too badly. I whimpered as I felt myself stretch around his fingers. I. I am going to cum I said. She moved her mouth up to the top of my cock and kept stoking it. I released a huge load into her mouth. She blinked, but then re-established eye contact while I finished spurting. I miss that I told her. Yeah. We were good once. She said. We got up. She headed for the shower while I cleaned up. When she was all cleaned up dressed she came out and I poured her some coffee and we talked for a bit. So whats going on with the kids? I asked. Oh, where to begin! she said. “The label of taboo is a purely abstract concept. Knowledge can’t be taboo or evil, only the methods it is acquired. I’d be glad to help you. Honestly, I could use your help as well. I have a bit of trouble casting magic, so I need someone who can activate it for me.”She bowed at a near 90º angle. “Thank you so much!” “Sure thing. Come on, let’s sit over here.” With some books in hand, they ***********ed a table to work undisturbed.“What is your project on?” Sophia asked.“Alchemy.”“You mean.
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