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“We're not supposed to be doing this.”“We've already done it, though,” he said, and pushed his cock at her mouth again. “See if you like it when you're awake, Lea.” She felt it against her lips, and saw a little surprised to find it was hard again. She opened her mouth and allowed him past her lips, closing her mouth around him again. “Mmph!” she moaned, but it slid in a little deeper. She found she actually DID like the feel of him in her mouth, and began sucking a little. “Did you like the. "No please! I want to be inside of you!" He begged."You mean you want put your prick in my pussy and then you want me to fuck that young cock until you put your nasty sperm in my pussy! Is that what you want?" I teased as I rubbed the head of his cock on my sloppy pussy."Oh fuck yes! Please Mam let me cum!" He pleaded."Well it is good thing I am so soft hearted!" I said and could hardly wait to feel his wonderful cock explode in me.I pushed and felt his cock fill my pussy. I rode him for just a. That harmful self-image has all gone now, and I am proud to call you my sister, Elizabeth.”Elizabeth gave Sidra a quick hug of thanks.“I couldn’t have done it without you, Sidra. You were my rock; I knew I could do it once you insisted I had it in me.”“Well, we now have another baby brother to care about. Do you still think he looks ugly?”“Not really; it was just the shock of seeing what a new-born looks like. I never saw any of the other babies until they were a few days old: the other girls. I thought I would buy a nice lingerie for him, so I could wear it with one of my BBC boys and treat him to a nice show. I think Mick would like that? I was having to wait ages in the Bank as there was a problem for some reason, so much so we were all made a drink in the Que. One of the guys seemed to be working up a ladder in an overall, not sure why...lol not my thing working stuff? He looked sort a dishy from where I was and when he saw me he smiled at me. Mmm I thought lovely strong tall.
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