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Helplessly, Cecelia could do no more than reach towards her sweet tormentor filling her hands with the girl’s hair crying out in a voice unrecognizable even to herself in deep guttural groans. Cecelia came in great clutching orgasms against the girl’s face. There was no detecting Yvettes climbing beside her nor realizing her nakedness moving above or one knee then the other placing itself on both sides of her tilted head until the seeping pulsing rush of pleasure began to fade. Cecelia’s eyes. We didn't move as we caught our breaths, but her butt muscles did squeezed my cock tightly, it had started to soften but her doing that made it get hard again. She reached between her legs and slid my cock out of her butt. Then she aimed it lower and slid her pussy back onto it. She pumped her pussy back and forth, riding my cock hard through several orgasms. After a while she slowed down and grunted, "Fuck my quim. Fuck it hard!" I gripped her hips and began to fuck her pussy. It was as tight. I remember thinking “who was this guy and why did he deserve to see Megan this way?” Yet, on the other hand, he was a very nice, handsome guy that I would have easily shared Megan with. What helped, was the look on Megan’s face. She was totally into this. I could tell by the way she was grinning and staring at his cock; she wanted his cock.Again, I should have been feeling jealousy, but instead, I found myself hoping Megan would lean over and start sucking his dick. Or, better yet, spread her. Food and music and family. And you’re new and I’m close to you in age and I thought we could talk, you know...”“That’s right. I’m a year older. But look where YOU are, and where I am. I’m just getting started with college stuff...”“Life isn’t just about college and work,” she sighed dramatically. “I suffer from affairs of the heart.”“You’re thirteen...”“I wish I had a dollar for every time somebody said that. Anybody ever said it to YOU? ‘You’re too YOUNG to worry about that?’ I’m too young to.
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