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Citizen! She wished that she could pray for a plague to descend upon the evil government that had robbed her of her ability to have children with the man she loved… ********** The years continued to march on in much the same manner. Natural disasters and severe weather patterns seemed to worsen. The price of oil had started to creep up again in 1989 and the Cold War came to an end. However, the break-up of the Soviet Union sparked outbreaks of violence in southwestern Asia and southeastern. There is no reason I can'thandle everything even with my daughter here with me." I know Mom but you deserve to enjoy your life," I said. "Not have tosupport your daughter." First off, I would love to have you here and even if you were I wouldstill have a life to enjoy. You joked about a sleep over the day you gothere and yes my current gentleman had spent the night and before youask, yes we did, Yes he may not being staying over should you move inhere but that wouldn't stop me from staying with. Mom asked have we reached. We could see was a dingy lane and the three men in the looking at my mom with lusty eyes.As she regained her composure, she realized that she was exposing a lot of flesh and hastily tried to cover herself up. The man sitting beside her sprang into action as he, reached out and clamped his fist over my mom’s mouth. The driver opened his door and stepped out of the car, looked around, opened the door and roughly pulled me out and asked me to stand in a corner and don’t. "Hi ma'am, what's the problem with your wheels then?" She quickly explained the situation to him and without saying much else, he took charge and 30 minutes later he had her car going again. Regina was so happy and relieved she jumped excitedly up and down and then hugged the stranger who had come to her rescue. "Thank you so much Mister...." "Ricky, Ricky Gravis at your service". "Regina Valdez, I wish I could do something to show my gratitude to you. You practically saved my life you know",.
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