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" Let me know when you're ready for me."I didn't argue and I trusted him ... mostly. After all I told him I would shoot him if he wasn't honest. After what I had been doing in the last couple of weeks he must believe I would.I rode into the Mennonite encampment. Jacob's wife hesitantly came up to me. She looked fearful to see me alone without her husband. "Jacob?" Jacob is fine and sends his love. All of your people and goods are fine. They should arrive here the day after tomorrow late in the. They kept the talk simple, she told him how her husband was out of town right now and with his work, this was a regular routine. He knew, she must be getting comfortable talking to him or she would not have brought it up. They continued enjoying each other’s company and drinks all the way up until a quarter to ten when, she told him she must be going. They got up and he paid their tab. He walked her outside and to her truck and could tell she was feeling a little tipsy. She unlocked her door. Why are we still talking, let’s do it, if it can be done! Urgent expression on my face.Sally read me correctly.“First, I need some water!” Sally undulates to her feet while saying this.Amazing fluid maneuver. Feminine grace at optimum!With ALS, I need to be economical in movements and study my own action’s efficiency to learn how to be most energy conservative.Even more pressing matters on my mind, still I admire Sally’s athleticism. Knees together, swiveled to side, shoulders shift breasts. " Let's just say I really appreciate the cookies you sent, and so do my cellmates." Are they nice?" Yeah, I'm in a cell with Joel and Jesse and Sean. I think they're trying to keep us guys together." That's good, I worry about all of the sexual stuff you hear about in prisons." Actually, I kind of wanted to talk to you guys about that. The four of us have been doing sexual stuff together. So anyway, I think I'm bisexual. I realize this isn't exactly the best way to come out, but I figured I.
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