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She was still wearing the same outfit and as I came round behind the bar she greeted me with a smile and an unexpected peck on the cheek. I felt myself blushing and moved swiftly into the back room to hang up my coat. I had a quick check in the mirror and saw Vera’s lipstick on my cheek. I grabbed a tissue and after three attempts, I finally removed the lipstick mark. Composing myself I went into the bar to begin work.The night was busy to start with but quickly went quiet and by 10:30pm. There was a wide, shoulders deep pool behind a natural dam of solid rock that arced into the river.I was feeling ripe and uncomfortable from being sweaty and wearing two-day old clothes. My unruly pussy that insisted on being perpetually juicy made me feel like I was advertising my status as a virgin slut to the world, when I only wanted my daddy to know that information about me. Dad and I stripped and waded out into the freezing cold water. We played in the stream like little kids, chasing. It all tasted divine.Jess and I did the dishes, since Kate had done the cooking. After dinner we played cards, the girls teaching me a game called Blitz that they used to play with their mother. It was nearly midnight by the time the three of us went to bed, squeezing in beside each other, with Jess in the centre. And as I drifted off, I thought, not for the first time, that this would be a lot more comfortable if the bed was just a bit bigger.Tuesday began like most mornings with the girls. We. ? ?My vagina?? Ronnie answered. ?No, not that.? ?Pussy?? ?No. What do all whores call it?? ?I don't know,? Ronnie wailed as she felt the dildo being pulled outof her vulva in readiness for the next phase of her punishment. ?Cunt, you whore, call it your cunt.? Dawsonhissed. ?Oh, my cunt.? Ronnie sounded relieved. ?And you will now beg me not to whip it.? ?Please don't whip my cunt,? Ronnie said simply between her lesseningsobs. ?Please don't whip my cunt, MASTER!? Dawsonemphasisedthe final.
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